Play Ideas for Newborn Babies

Play Ideas for Newborn Babies

Newborns only need to change their diapers, feed them and rock them before going to bed. Although in the early days of their life it seems that everything revolves around these basic needs but in truth apart from these they should also be entertained. Not only to pass the time but also necessary sports for newborns help their cognitive development and physical development. So here are ten sports ideas for kids that will help them develop their knowledge.

Sports are very important for newborn babies. Sports entertain the newborn and help the parents to have a pleasant time and stimulate the development of the baby’s brain. If you’re a new mom, you’d love to do something fun with your baby beyond changing diapers and breastfeeding. Or if you are a nanny or babysitter or if you want to become an expert in caring for newborn babies, these baby activities will complement your skills.

The key to choosing the best games for newborns:

  1. How to play with a week old baby? 2. How to stimulate your newborn baby? These are common questions all mothers ask themselves. Playing with a newborn baby or playing with a slightly older baby affects their level of emotional development.

We have selected some games for you to play with newborns and children by age.

Games for babies aged 0 to 3 months:

Children’s vision begins to develop during this period from zero to three months. Up to three months of age, babies see best when they see something out of the corner of their eye. Later central vision develops. After three months they start seeing their hands and able to follow an object with circular motion. Also, at this stage, newborn babies recognize the mother’s voice and those who care for them. So between feedings and diaper changes you can play and sing with him. We recommend this activity to stimulate the newborn.

Follow the object:

Keep the child lying down and move a small colored object in front of his eyes from left to right and vice versa. Keep the child lying down and move a small colored object in front of his eyes from left to right and vice versa. It is one of the easiest and most stimulating games for newborns.

Please them:

Stand in front of the baby so that the baby can see you. Open your mouth and smile so that the little one can see and learn from you.


This is one of the funnest newborn babysitter games. Hold the baby in your arms. Support him with your other hand so that his neck and posture are stable. Slowly swing it up and down like an airplane ready to take off. Add funny sounds or mimic flights and even children’s songs. It will be fun to see the world from a different perspective of the child.

Games for babies from three to six months:

At this stage the child begins to integrate what it sees with stimuli from other senses. Such as taste, hearing and touch. Baby brains and their sleep time are able to distinguish 100 words. These activities are for the psychomotor development of children aged 3 to 6 months.

Newborns only need to change their diapers, feed them and rock them before going to bed. Although in the early days of their life it seems that everything revolves around these basic needs but in truth apart from these they should also be entertained. Not only to pass the time but also necessary sports for newborns help their cognitive development and physical development. So here are ten sports ideas for kids that will help them develop their knowledge. Sports are very important for newborn babies. Sports entertain the newborn and help the parents to have a pleasant time and stimulate the development of the baby's brain. If you're a new mom, you'd love to do something fun with your baby beyond changing diapers and breastfeeding. Or if you are a nanny or babysitter or if you want to become an expert in caring for newborn babies, these baby activities will complement your skills. The key to choosing the best games for newborns: 1. How to play with a week old baby? 2. How to stimulate your newborn baby? These are common questions all mothers ask themselves. Playing with a newborn baby or playing with a slightly older baby affects their level of emotional development. We have selected some games for you to play with newborns and children by age. Games for babies aged 0 to 3 months: Children's vision begins to develop during this period from zero to three months. Up to three months of age, babies see best when they see something out of the corner of their eye. Later central vision develops. After three months they start seeing their hands and able to follow an object with circular motion. Also, at this stage, newborn babies recognize the mother's voice and those who care for them. So between feedings and diaper changes you can play and sing with him. We recommend this activity to stimulate the newborn. Follow the object: Keep the child lying down and move a small colored object in front of his eyes from left to right and vice versa. Keep the child lying down and move a small colored object in front of his eyes from left to right and vice versa. It is one of the easiest and most stimulating games for newborns. Please them: Stand in front of the baby so that the baby can see you. Open your mouth and smile so that the little one can see and learn from you. Plain: This is one of the funnest newborn babysitter games. Hold the baby in your arms. Support him with your other hand so that his neck and posture are stable. Slowly swing it up and down like an airplane ready to take off. Add funny sounds or mimic flights and even children's songs. It will be fun to see the world from a different perspective of the child. Games for babies from three to six months: At this stage the child begins to integrate what it sees with stimuli from other senses. Such as taste, hearing and touch. Baby brains and their sleep time are able to distinguish 100 words. These activities are for the psychomotor development of children aged 3 to 6 months.

Relaxing massage:

It is one of the primary stimulating activities for children that encourages their relaxation. Let the baby sleep on a soft blanket in a warm and comfortable environment during a quiet moment. Then start gently massaging her legs arms and stomach. Accompany your movement by humming children’s songs or soothing lullabies. It can become a daily routine and one of the best games for newborns.

Gain muscle:

When the baby is awake and calm, put him on his tummy. This position will help strengthen the baby’s flank and back muscles. Such games are great if you add a mirror to stimulate the baby. It will encourage him to look at the pictures of himself in the mirror placed in front of him.

Dance Together:

This is an activity for babies aged 3 to 6 months that will make you feel closer to the child. Hold the baby in front of you without playing loud music and start dancing. Not only will the baby associate music with the sensation of movement, but he will feel comfortable and safe around you. This is one of the best ways to strengthen bond with you and baby. Stimulating newborns is easy and wonderful.

Selection of games for babies from 6 to 12 months:

At this stage the child will learn to walk and stand. Also at this age he knows how to hold water bottles or other small objects with his thumb and other fingers. Here language begins to develop as it associates words with meaning. These are activities for 6 to 9 month old babies that will benefit their psycho motor and cognitive development.

Catch toys:

This is one of the primary stimulation exercises with the greatest results for 6-month-old babies. Sit next to your child on a comfortable couch. It’s a complete series of objects and games at your fingertips. Instead of placing objects in his hands, move them away. So that he is encouraged to move forward to try to reach the game.

The boy in the box:

A simple cardboard box can become one of the best toys for 6 month old babies. Now instead of placing the baby on the party, place him inside a box. Choose a cardboard box with less space and give the child the object in there. Keep toys around within the child’s reach. Keep toys around within the child’s reach. However, the child must try to get out of the box. It is one of the most fun indoor games for kids.

Cuckoo Tras:

It is one of the most popular games to entertain young children. Almost all of us have played at some point. But what you don’t know is that through these games for newborn babies, the baby learns that if you disappear from his sight, you will come back. The child knows that even if you are not in sight, you have not disappeared forever.

When they are very small the ideal is to play with a handkerchief or cover the baby’s face so you don’t need to hide. You will find that by repeating this activity the child learns that the people who left come back. This is a good way to start overcoming separation anxiety in children.

Activities for babies from 9 to 12 months:

A child this age is no longer a newborn and actually needs caregivers to interpret verbal, gestural expressions for him to know. He has memories of past events and knows how to control his emotions well. From the motor point of view he is able to grasp without support He has probably already crawled and learned to stand with the help of objects. By 8 to 10 months a toddler responds to simple commands and is able to say hello with his hand or give it a nice kiss.

You’ll love these ideas for games for babies ages 9 to 12 months:

what is it:

It is one of the best games to stimulate speech in children. Touch and name body parts when you are putting him in his pajamas or after a bath Such as nose, forehead, stomach, feet, hands, etc. Name the parts as you touch them. Then ask the child what it is?  And he learned to name the organs. Finally ask him to touch his head or stomach and he will pass all the way.

Kitchen Battery:

At this age the baby does not need bog things to play with. Homemade games to have at home, simple and inexpensive, are the best. Especially  when each object is still a world to discover. Always under your supervision , let the child open a low cabinet and explore. Check the contents before doing so: pans, lids, wooden or plastic spoons will be harmless(as long as you are nearby).

The risks at this stage when they begin to crawl should be avoided with protective measures on low furniture within their reach. We recommended that you take a look  at our guide on preventing childhood accidents at home. It will be very useful.

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