Age Wise Baby Food List

Age Wise Baby Food List

Feeding Chart for Babies from 0 to 21 Months

Good nutrition is key to our baby’s development. So when we start feeding the baby with complementary foods, many questions arise whether we are feeding the baby at the right time and with nutritious food. To help you, we have prepared a food chart for you according to the age of the baby, which will solve the questions in your mind.

Baby food introduction chart:

WHO states that cereals or vegetables containing fruit gluten can be introduced without distinction. There is no food that is better than others to begin progressively making all kinds of fruits and vegetables available. The decision depends on the family’s taste. We have created a table that details when you should introduce food to your baby.

From zero to six months:

In the first fishes of life, the baby’s only food is its mother’s breast milk or formula, which plays an important role in the mental and physical development of children.

6 Months Baby Food List:

Foods that should be introduced to babies at the age of 6 months are: Mother’s breast milk which is the infant’s ongoing diet and gluten free cereals,  vegetables and fruits. As example :

Gluten free cereal, corn, rice, and  oats. Vegetables include carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, green beans, broccoli, and potatoes. Fruits that six month olds can eat are bananas, oranges, apples, pears, strawberries, and avocados.

7 months old baby food list:

Regular diet for 7 month old baby is breast milk along with cereals, vegetables, fruits ,white meat, white fish, and soft lemons. It is recommended to introduce these foods within seven months, along with offering a variety of fruits and vegetables to try. The foods are:

Cereals with gluten : wheat, barley and rye.

White meats : chicken, turkey and pork.

White Fish: salmon fish.

Soft beans :  red lentils and peas.

These are ideal foods for 7-month-old babies that boost the baby’s immune system and play an important role in mental development.

Age Wise Baby Food List

8 Months Baby Food List:

Foods that should be included in the diet of 8 month old babies are: Breast milk, Cereals, Vegetables, Fruits, white and red meat White and blue fish Lemon, curd and egg yolks.

We can keep adding variations of ingredients, the more different things you try the better. In addition, it is recommended to introduce foods at 8 months. As example:

White and red meat: Chicken, turkey, beef and other red meat.

Egg yolk is very good for baby’s body.

Blue fish like salmon is very good for baby’s body.

Less soft beans: Lentils with skin, Beans, chickpeas and broad beans.

 Dairy products: yogurt and soft cheeses.

Spice: Turmeric, Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Coriander Seeds, Fenugreek, Mustard, Cinnamon. Remember that spices should be fed in very small quantities which are not harmful to the baby.

Aromatic herbs: Oregano, Basil, Parsley ,Cilantro Mint.

These foods can be introduced to babies as young as 8 months of age. Although children of this age do not want to eat, they should continue to be fed by adopting different methods.

9 Months Baby Food List:

At 9 months, your baby can eat practically anything. But there are certain foods that are prohibited until the baby is one year old. We must increase the variety of fruits, vegetables, white meat and fish. The more variety you try, the better. For example, if you haven’t done it in 9 months, you should introduce these foods:

Cereal : They don’t need to eat only cereal anymore. Your baby can start eating rice, pasta and bread.

Egg yolk:  Boiled egg yolk can be easily consumed by older children.

The meat : Beef, lamb, rabbit, pork, chicken, turkey, pigeon, all types of meat that children can eat.

Blue fish : salmon fish, Mackerel fish etc.

Dairy products : Yogurt and soft cheeses.

Spice: Turmeric, Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Coriander Seeds,  Fenugreek, Mustard, Cinnamon, Cardamom (in small amounts).

Aromatic herbs: Oregano, Basil, Parsley, Cilantro Mint. These foods are ideal foods for a 9 month old baby.

10 and 11 Months Baby Food List:

10 and 11 month olds can eat practically anything like meat, fish, eggs, lemons, vegetables, fruits, cereals, crushed nuts, etc. Except for some foods that are not available until he is one year old. You should also start eating some cow’s milk dairy products such as natural yogurt or soft cheese.

We must increase the variety of fruits, vegetables, white meat and fish. Baby should be introduced to new recipes. It is important to make food fun for this age child. So don’t force them to eat. Let them take the initiative to eat like themselves and let them waste food while still growing healthy and nutritious. For 10 and 11 month olds, so foods can be introduced into their diet and they are ideal for this feature.

12 month old babies are ready to eat anything:

 Even condensed liquid milk. If your baby is drinking formula milk, it’s time to stop it and switch to cow’s milk. It is best to avoid foods that may cause choking. From twelve months your baby will be able to eat a little of everything that your family eats. Remember to make every meal nutritious.

Make sure your child eats animal foods daily such as : milk, dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, as well as lemons, chickpeas, lentils or peas, and vegetables and fruits. Add a little oil or fat to your baby’s food for energy. Dairy foods are especially important in your baby’s diet. Give him two glasses of milk once a day or daily.

It is still recommended that foods that may pose a choking hazard like Grapes and sauces or sliced ​​fruits should not be given. From one year onwards they move and play non-stop. So there is a risk of choking on such food.

How do I know if my child is eating enough?

It’s a concern of all moms and dads to know if your baby is eating well or not.

Daily diaper:

 A newborn’s diapers are a good indicator of whether he is eating enough. In the first days after birth, the baby should have two to three wet diapers a day. After the first four or five days the baby should be eating 5 to 6 drivers a day. The frequency of bowel movements is more variable and depends on whether the baby is breastfed or formula fed.

Growth chart:

A pediatrician will check your baby’s weight during regular medical checkups and not record it on a growth chart. Your baby’s progress on the growth charts is one way to know if he’s getting enough. Babies who are in the growth percentiles are likely getting healthy amounts of food at feeding times.



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