Baby Breast Feeding Tips

Baby Breast Feeding Tips

First Time Breastfeeding To Newborn Baby Tips

Baby Breast Feeding Tips
Baby Breast Feeding Tips

Mother’s breast milk is the best food that can be given to babies from the first day of birth. It is a complete complementary food that provides all types of nutrients for the development of the baby. Mother’s breast milk has a positive effect on the health of the baby. Mother’s breast milk protects the baby from various infections such as respiratory infections, otitis , bacterial meningitis and Protects against urinary tract infections and sudden death syndrome. Mother’s breast milk protects children from diabetes, crohns disease, lymphoma, and other illnesses associated with allergies.

Breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother’s health. Because it reduces the risk of maternal bleeding, Promotes uterine contractions and Reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. Every mother deserves to breastfeed her baby. Although the first days of  childbirth can be difficult for both mother and child But gradually breastfeed the baby satisfactorily through regular practice.

When a baby is born, some questions often start running through the mind of all mothers, such as:

  1. Can I breastfeed the baby?
  2. Do I have enough milk for my baby?
  3. How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
  4. How will I feed the baby when I go back to work?

As you go through the process, you can slowly solve all the questions yourself. Many organizations have commented on this process.

Tips to Start Successful Breastfeeding:

The baby should be breastfed as soon as possible in the delivery room or from the first hour of the baby’s life. Try to breastfeed frequently during times when the baby is awake. Infants should be exclusively breastfed for at least six months.

Breast milk is the best food for babies up to 6 months. From the first day of birth to one and a half years, babies can drink mother’s breast milk. However, after 6 months, breast milk and other nutritious foods should be added. Try to breastfeed every two hours during the first week of the baby’s birth. If your baby is not getting breast milk due to some other problem then you can use formula milk for baby.

Essential tips for starting breast feeding:

Correct posture:      

The baby’s mouth should be kept open about 180°. His lip should completely invert and cover the entire areola with his mouth. It’s not good to stick your finger so that more milk comes out because In reality it only blocks some ducts. The baby should lie in such a way that the nipple is at the level of the baby’s lips or at the level of the nose. Then bring the baby closer to the breast. The traditional breastfeeding position is where the mother’s stomach and the baby’s stomach touch in the same position. Not above and below it. This position allows the baby to drink milk fully.

Duration of breast feeding:

The baby should be breastfed according to the baby’s needs. That is, when the baby cries in the first stage of birth or whenever he wants, breastfeed the baby. There is no weaning schedule for newborns. But gradually it will become a habit of that time. The more time the baby spends with the mother from the hospital to home after birth, the easier it will be for her to breastfeed. Some babies sleep a lot and are very quiet and don’t cry much for feedings. According to his rules, the newborn should be breastfed every two to three hours.

Breastfeeding times in general are always variable. Except the newborn’s response is determined not by clock time. Because every child’s habits are different. Infants take a little longer in the first stage, which gradually subsides.


Try to get the baby to drink equal amounts of milk from both breasts while breastfeeding. While the baby is feeding on one breast, wipe the other area thoroughly with a clean cloth. There are many babies who are satisfied with drinking milk in one breast. Do not force the baby to breastfeed under any circumstances. Give him as much time as he wants to breastfeed. When he is satisfied then the time interval will increase.

The baby should always alternate feeding. If she breastfed from the left breast last time, she should breastfeed from the right breast next time. Generally things like pacifiers should not be used in the first weeks. Because things are not held in a way that is not conducive to proper sucking. This can lead to confusing situations for children

Advice to maintain the breast feeding period :

A mother’s diet should be healthy and varied. There is no antidote for this. It is recommended for the mother to drink plenty of liquid, natural fruit juice and milk.

In the first and second months, the newborn should be breastfed 6 to 12 times a day. From the third and fourth months, the number and duration of feedings begin to decrease.

How to know if babies are breastfeeding well:

 Generally, if you see newborns urinate 6 to 8 times in 24 hours, so your baby is breastfeeding well. Babies who are breastfed well have frequent bowel movements. An average baby may need six to seven drivers per day if he is breastfeeding well and healthily. In the early stages, the baby’s stools are liquid which becomes consistent over time. And sometimes the baby’s stools turn yellow to green.

Babies who are properly breastfed have better complexions and gain weight more slowly. Weight gain can be very variable from one week to the next. There is nothing to worry about if the baby gains 50 grams of weight in a week, if the baby is drinking milk and urinating well. It will probably be adjusted next week. When measuring a child’s weight, it should always be measured on the same scale without clothes on. Remember that bottle-fed babies do not gain weight quickly.

It is not advisable to bottle feed after breast feeding to check if your baby is hungry or not. There are some babies who will still take bottle milk after being breastfed. Never give baby bottle milk after breastfeeding. It destroys the nutritional value of breast milk.

When should you consult the pediatrician?

  1. If the child is not gaining or losing 100 to 150 grams of weight per week
  2. If the child urinates less than the amount means if the child wets five types of drivers in a day.
  3. When the child refuses food several times in a row
  4. Between 24 and 48 hours when the baby has the first few bowel movements
  5. If the child is less active, very irritable, and if the child’s color is poor, it should be shown to pediatrician.

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