Baby Teeth Growth Stages

An important part of every human being is his teeth. So not only baby teeth are important for life but also for baby health development. Today we will discuss with you some things about children so that they grow up with a healthy smile:
What are baby teeth? :
Baby teeth are the first teeth that appear in a baby’s mouth. They remain in the mouth for a limited time until they are replaced by permanent teeth. Baby teeth are smaller and softer than adult teeth that begin to grow into the baby’s gums. If the primary teeth grow properly, it will help the permanent teeth to grow.
Birth of baby teeth:
When the tooth erupts may vary in each case. However, usually after four months, babies begin the process of teething. Usually the lower incisors are the first four deciduous teeth to appear. By the ninth month of the baby, the upper central figures usually erupt. Around 15 months the first upper and lower molars emerge. Primary second molars begin to erupt at about two years of age. The process of teething in children usually lasts up to two and a half years. The first permanent molars usually begin to emerge around the age of six.
Signs of teething in children:
Symptoms of teething in children usually vary from case to case. There are some children who do not present symptoms and in others the child suffers from discomfort.
Signs of teething in children can be:
- Nervousness and irritability.
- Excessive drooling
- Swollen gums
- Difficulty sleeping
- loss of appetite
- mild fever.
If the child’s discomfort persists for a long time, it is recommended to take him to a pediatric dentist.
What are baby teeth for?
Mainly baby teeth perform three functions.
*Enables the conversion of a solid food into a liquid food.
*Creates space for temporary teeth and contributes to the development of maxillar.
*Baby teeth serve to facilitate pronunciation in the process of learning to speak.
How many teeth does a baby have?
A child usually has twenty teeth. Ten in the upper arch and ten in the lower. These 10 teeth in the maxilla and 10 teeth in the jaw will leave room for your baby’s future smile. After the loss of the first stage, the mixed night process begins where the deciduous teeth and permanent teeth are located.
When do baby’s primary teeth fall out?
Children’s teething is an important moment in children’s growth. Baby teeth fall out between 5 and 6 years of age and 12 years of age. At this point the temporary teeth coexist with the permanent teeth. Usually by the age of 12, children have already completed their dentition, moving from primary teeth to 28 permanent teeth, followed by four wisdom teeth.
Order on loss of baby teeth:
Every child is different and generalizations cannot be made about the timing of baby teething development and loss. Generally the order in which baby teeth fall in starts with the incisors and posterior molars, although this may vary for each child. The lower central incisors first fall out around 5 and a half to 6 years of age. Then the lower gallows and holes and the four upper figures fall. After the fall it is the lower canine and lower molar. Usually at the age of nine or 10, the upper ear and second molars finally erupt once two years later.
When do baby teeth fall out?
The first baby tooth falls out at age 10 and the second tooth falls out at age 12. When baby teeth fall out, they are replaced by permanent teeth around age 13.
What are shark teeth?
Eruption of baby teeth occurs when baby teeth erupt and permanent teeth erupt at the same time Double alignment of teeth occurs during mixed dentition.
Children’s wisdom teeth can develop for a variety of reasons. But the most common is lack of space in the jaw. Due to a general deviation of the permanent molar or the root of the first tooth that was not absorbed as it should have been. Although this is a change that usually corrects itself, However, it is important to visit a child dentist to avoid their hero or problems in the future.

Baby teeth in adults:
In some cases the baby teeth do not fall in when the primary teeth are lost. The most common reason is the absence of permanent teeth. Other reasons can be trauma, permanent lack of space for teeth or poor alignment of teeth.
Although a baby tooth that doesn’t fall out is usually not a problem, However, a dentist should be consulted to determine if the temporary teeth can be maintained or if it will cause dental problems.
Difference between baby teeth and permanent teeth:
The difference between baby teeth and permanent teeth is mainly the number of teeth and their position and structure in the body.
We have already mentioned that the deciduous teeth are twenty whereas the permanent teeth are 32. Another difference between baby teeth and permanent teeth is that baby teeth are smaller because the baby’s oral cavity is smaller. The roots of primary teeth are also thinner and shorter so they can come out more easily.
Finally, people with permanent dentition have a thin layer of dentine and tooth enamel, which makes them white.
Frequent dental problems in children:
Although baby teeth are temporary, it is important to consider the problems that may arise with them as they can affect the development of the child’s oral health. The most common problem is cavities and premature hair loss and necrosis.
Baby tooth cavity:
Cavities are one of the most frequent primary dental problems in children. The most common causes of cavities in children are: Prolonged bottle use, bacterial infections, etc.
Premature baby tooth loss:
In some cases primary teeth may fall out prematurely. Weak roots or strong mouth teeth due to lack of calcium in particular are the most common causes of premature loss of baby teeth.
Necrotic baby teeth:
Necrotic baby teeth are those teeth that have lost their nerve due to heavy impact on the jaw. Pulp necrosis is not visible at the time of injury but is usually visible several months later when the tooth begins to acquire a different color.
What happens when a baby’s teeth turn black?:
A baby’s black tooth is a visible sign of nerve death. But this is not a concern as it will not affect the permanent teeth. If the child has a necrotic baby tooth, see a patriotic dentist.
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