Common Cold in Newborn Baby and Treatment

Common Cold in Newborn Baby and Treatment

Cold is very common in newborns. Because you can easily tell when a newborn has a cold, and studies have shown that newborns usually get colds 8 to 10 times a year.

In this case you must know that antibiotics are not much needed as they usually go away on their own. Today we will share with you some tips on newborn cold and flu and how to cure them.

What is the common cold? :

The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. A baby may have 4 to 10 colds in the first twelve months of life. This number is so high because in the first year the normal immunity of the newborn is not developed. If they come into contact with other children, even at day care, the number of infections can increase because these viruses spread so easily. Although this high number of colds can be a cause of concern for parents, in most cases these viruses disappear on their own and do not cause serious harm to children.

Cold and Flu. are they the same? :

We all think these two diseases are the same but they are not the same. Below we try to find the difference between these two diseases. These are caused by different viruses although both pathologies are viral but the type of virus is different. The flu virus is called influenza, and the virus that causes it is usually a rhinovirus.


Flu usually occurs once in the same year, while influenza can occur several times.

Intersity of symptoms:

Although the symptoms of both diseases are similar, they are much more severe with the flu and generally have a fever for about three days, muscle pain can be moderate or severe, and there is a lot of fatigue. Usually these symptoms appear suddenly and can last up to two weeks.

In case of cold and cough, the symptoms are mild and usually subside in less time than the flu. While a cold cough has flu-like symptoms, a cold also has additional symptoms such as sneezing. The fever that occurs in this case is usually low and sometimes there may be no fever at all.

Cold symptoms in newborn:

We already know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. Now we will discuss the most common symptoms of cold and how they affect children. Symptoms of common cold are similar in both children and adults Virtually the same symptoms occur in children and adults.

Nasal obstruction:

It is the main symptom in babies between two and three months of age, as nasal congestion can make it difficult for babies to breastfeed or take bottle milk.

Nasal discharge:

which starts out watery and yellowish and becomes thick and green as it intensifies.

  Dry Cough:

which can be very severe interfering with children’s eating and rest.

Cold is very common in newborns. Because you can easily tell when a newborn has a cold, and studies have shown that newborns usually get colds 8 to 10 times a year. In this case you must know that antibiotics are not much needed as they usually go away on their own. Today we will share with you some tips on newborn cold and flu and how to cure them. What is the common cold? : The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. A baby may have 4 to 10 colds in the first twelve months of life. This number is so high because in the first year the normal immunity of the newborn is not developed. If they come into contact with other children, even at day care, the number of infections can increase because these viruses spread so easily. Although this high number of colds can be a cause of concern for parents, in most cases these viruses disappear on their own and do not cause serious harm to children. Cold and Flu. are they the same? : We all think these two diseases are the same but they are not the same. Below we try to find the difference between these two diseases. These are caused by different viruses although both pathologies are viral but the type of virus is different. The flu virus is called influenza, and the virus that causes it is usually a rhinovirus. Frequency: Flu usually occurs once in the same year, while influenza can occur several times. Intersity of symptoms: Although the symptoms of both diseases are similar, they are much more severe with the flu and generally have a fever for about three days, muscle pain can be moderate or severe, and there is a lot of fatigue. Usually these symptoms appear suddenly and can last up to two weeks. In case of cold and cough, the symptoms are mild and usually subside in less time than the flu. While a cold cough has flu-like symptoms, a cold also has additional symptoms such as sneezing. The fever that occurs in this case is usually low and sometimes there may be no fever at all. Cold symptoms in newborn: We already know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. Now we will discuss the most common symptoms of cold and how they affect children. Symptoms of common cold are similar in both children and adults Virtually the same symptoms occur in children and adults. Nasal obstruction: It is the main symptom in babies between two and three months of age, as nasal congestion can make it difficult for babies to breastfeed or take bottle milk. Nasal discharge: which starts out watery and yellowish and becomes thick and green as it intensifies. Dry Cough: which can be very severe interfering with children's eating and rest.


The baby may have a lot of sneezing during this time along with redness of the nose.


Fever during cold is very normal especially after three months of age. Children have decreased appetite and difficulty sleeping, and sore throats and headaches. Usually discomfort and irritability is a common symptom of cold. In most cases, colds go away on their own, but in newborns, parents must pay close attention to the evolution of symptoms to avoid complications and to confirm that the symptoms are signs of a cold virus.

What is Bronchiolites:

Bronchiolitis is a disease in which the bronchioles are the small airways located in the lungs. It is very common in children under two years of age and its initial symptoms are developmental. The only difference is that in bronchiolitis the cough increases after a few days and the child has trouble breathing.

Breathing difficulties can be identified if the baby’s stomach moves a lot and a hissing sound is heard in his chest. Other signs that your baby is having trouble breathing may include refusal to drink liquid and vomiting. Important bronchiolitis usually lasts 7 to 10 days, requiring nighttime visits to the doctor for major complications such as dehydration. With appropriate treatment, breathing problems and health improve, although the cough may last up to a month.

Treatment for Cold in Newborn:

First of all you should know that there is no cure for common cold . It usually has an incubation period of 1 to 5 days and disappears on its own after about 10 days. When it persists, there are steps you can take to relieve the symptoms.

In case of children, it is not right to give medicine without consulting a doctor. Because these drugs can cause adverse effects in children, according to the FTA ( United States  Food and drag and Administration Age).  In this statement, they warn of the importance of using drugs like antitusives in children under two years of age.

Follow these tips to treat your newborn’s cold symptoms:

  1. Hydrate the baby well which will ensure that babies get all their meals and get enough milk..
  2. Keep indoor environment within certain temperature range Avoid high temperature..
  3. Prevent children from being exposed to tobacco smoke.
  4. Make sure there is adequate ventilation in the baby’s room.
  5. Circulate nasal smoke to facilitate mucus drainage: There are different methods for nasal irrigation such as using saline ampoules or some rubber bulbs to remove mucus. This nasal wash is recommended especially before meals and before putting the child to bed so that he can eat well and get enough rest. If the baby cannot eat solid food now, the antibodies in the mother’s breast milk help the newborn fight against viral infections.

Why Antibiotics Don’t Work?

The common cold is an infection usually caused by the rhinovirus. Viruses are biological entities that are living in organisms. They are much smaller than bacteria and cannot be seen through a microscope. To be able to use their reactions and molecules and materials to survive infects a cell of another organism and likewise they make more copies of them and may be able to spread rapidly. So that they can make infected organisms sick though viruses can survive for a short time without entering other cells.

There are many types of viruses but cause mild illness such as colds and flu, while others cause pathology like HIV which causes. Antibiotics are drugs that fight diseases caused by bacteria, not viruses. For this reason, if the pathology has a viral source, it does not make sense to manage them. If we take antibiotics to fight viral infections, we can develop resistance to antibiotics. If we develop this resistance when we actually have a bacterial infection and take antibiotics the medicine will not be effective.

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