Fever is one of the most common problems in newborns and antipyretics are the most common medications given to babies. Today we will share with you the causes of newborn fever and what to do if this condition occurs in newborns.
How body temperature is regulated?
To understand why we have a fever, we must first explain the mechanism by which their bodies regulate their temperature. The state of balance in our body is called homeostasis. To maintain it at a normal level and perform normal physiological functions we need to maintain a temperature between 36°C and 37°C. For this reason body temperature is regulated based on the gain of body heat loss. The thermoregulatory center is located in the hypothalamus.
Our bodies are exposed to environmental conditions such as weather when children are exposed to extreme temperatures, our thermoregulatory system is triggered. For example, if it is very hot, heat radiation through the skin or sweat helps to maintain our body temperature, or if it is cold, sweat helps us generate body heat.
Temperature regulation in neonates is slightly different and involves greater energy expenditure that predisposes to neonatal hypoglycemia or hypothermia. In fact in the first days of life these processes are not properly developed and we must be more careful with the baby’s temperature.
What is fever:
When the immune system detects a pathogen, it works together with the hypothalamus and specific receptors and receptors to produce fever. Its main purpose is to sense the proliferation of microorganisms and at the same time stimulate the production of immunoglobulins to fight off infectious agents. Therefore, it is not a disease but a defense mechanism of the body that activates the immune system and makes it difficult for viruses and bacteria to survive. Body temperature varies depending on the environment during the day. These oscillations are smaller in both children under six months of age and in adults but range between 10 and 20 °C in growing children.
Body temperature must be equal to or greater than 38° or 36.50 Celsius to be considered a fever.
This is How Fever is Classified:
Two parameters can be used to differentiate types of fever.
Intensity: A low-grade fever between 37 degrees and 38 degrees Celsius
Fever between 38 degrees and 41 degrees Celsius.
41°C or more Hyperpyrexia.
Like a week: Acute fever is related to infectious processes of viral origin or acute gastroenteritis.
In one to three weeks : Sub acute fever is associated with bacterial infections such as typhoid fever.
More than three weeks: Chronic fevers that are previously unresolved complications may lead to chronic infections or even neoplasm and connective tissue diseases.
How to measure my child’s temperature most accurately:
There are different types of thermometers for measuring children’s temperature. Such as digital electric thermometers or infrared thermometers which are usually used on the forehead. You know that mercury thermometer was the popular thermometer a few years back. But since 2007 their use has been completely banned in Europe because children are at risk of exposure to mercury because mercury is a toxic substance.
Recently digital thermometers are most used due to efficiency and speed. You can find them in all pharmacies and they are very easy to use. All these thermometers measure temperature in three ways: oral, axial and rectal. That is, the thermometer is used on the face, under the armpit and in the anus. To use it, just turn it on and use it following the manufacturer’s specifications.
The following recommendations should be followed depending on the age of your child.
From zero to 6 months:
The best way to check the temperature of children of this age is to take the temperature while dead with a digital thermometer. Although the method of determining the temperature on the child’s forehead is also correct. However, rectal temperature can determine the correct temperature. If the baby is less than three months old, if the temperature is high, it should be taken to the doctor urgently.
Between 6 months and four years:
From this age you can take a referral temperature with a digital temporal artery thermometer or use a digital thermometer. If in doubt about the temperature, it is better to use a rafter thermometer. Reptile temperatures can be taken with a temporal artery thermometer or a digital ear thermometer.
Why Does My Child Have a Fever:
Fever is considered beneficial because it is the body’s response to fight viral and bacterial processes. Because it helps stop infection. Whenever there is a troublesome process the source of infection is sought but if it is not found we call it high fever.

Like a week: Acute fever is related to infectious processes of viral origin or acute gastroenteritis.
In one to three weeks : Sub acute fever is associated with bacterial infections such as typhoid fever.
More than three weeks: Chronic fevers that are previously unresolved complications may lead to chronic infections or even neoplasm and connective tissue diseases.
How to measure my child’s temperature most accurately:
There are different types of thermometers for measuring children’s temperature. Such as digital electric thermometers or infrared thermometers which are usually used on the forehead. You know that mercury thermometer was the popular thermometer a few years back. But since 2007 their use has been completely banned in Europe because children are at risk of exposure to mercury because mercury is a toxic substance.
Recently digital thermometers are most used due to efficiency and speed. You can find them in all pharmacies and they are very easy to use. All these thermometers measure temperature in three ways: oral, axial and rectal. That is, the thermometer is used on the face, under the armpit and in the anus. To use it, just turn it on and use it following the manufacturer’s specifications.
The following recommendations should be followed depending on the age of your child.
From zero to 6 months:
The best way to check the temperature of children of this age is to take the temperature while dead with a digital thermometer. Although the method of determining the temperature on the child’s forehead is also correct. However, rectal temperature can determine the correct temperature. If the baby is less than three months old, if the temperature is high, it should be taken to the doctor urgently.
Between 6 months and four years:
From this age you can take a referral temperature with a digital temporal artery thermometer or use a digital thermometer. If in doubt about the temperature, it is better to use a rafter thermometer. Reptile temperatures can be taken with a temporal artery thermometer or a digital ear thermometer.
Why Does My Child Have a Fever:
Fever is considered beneficial because it is the body’s response to fight viral and bacterial processes. Because it helps stop infection. Whenever there is a troublesome process the source of infection is sought but if it is not found we call it high fever.
The most common causes of fever in newborns and children are:
- Bacterial infection ear infection 3. urinary tract infection 4. Reaction to the vaccine 5. Dentition.
There are other causes of fever, although they are less common. such as:
- Hypertonic in children.
- Reaction to certain drugs
- Heat stroke
- Inflammatory diseases
What to do when my child has a fever:
There are two methods of reducing fever in children. one physical method and the other drug treatment method should always be prescribed by pediatrician. who selects the most appropriate antipyretic drug.
Their effectiveness for physical measurements has not been scientifically proven. Therefore it is important that they are not too aggressive and always pay attention to how to keep the baby’s body temperature normal. For this some rules should be followed.
- Keep baby away from warm clothing and keep teen hands free.
- Make the child drink plenty of fluids.
- Keep the baby in a serving temperature between 20 degrees and 22 degrees Celsius.
- When to go to the pediatrician:
If a baby under three months of age has a fever, it is important to consult a doctor because it is an infectious disease. If the child is less than two years old, it is recommended to take him to the doctor.
If he is over 2 years old, his human system is formed and he can deal with it. There are certain symptoms of fever that are recommended to take the child to a pathologist.
- High fever that does not go down with home remedies.
- Blood in diarrhea or vomiting.
- Breathing problems.
- Constant crying and extreme irritability
- Laziness
- Skin rash
- Blue discoloration of lips and nails
- Abdominal cramps
- Convulsions
- Purple spots on the skin
Frequently asked questions about fever in the newborn:
How do I know if my child has a fever?
Take temperature with a digital thermometer With time and experience, parents can sense the presence of fever simply by touching the child’s forehead. However, parents’ own temperature can influence this perception so it is important to keep a thermometer in the home at all times.
How Do I Know if The Fever Is Serious?
Fever in children under three months of age is more worrisome. From that age we must pay attention to other symptoms and children’s temperament. For example, a child’s fever may not be alarming if the child is eating, drinking and resting normally.
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