Importance of Baby Food during the First Year

Importance of Baby Food during the First Year

Children’s diet in the first year is very important for their mental and physical growth. Currently, the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding as a complementary food for up to six months and with other foods for up to two years. However, there are alternatives such as artificial milk or bottles, and solid foods should also be introduced to the baby’s diet.

Food for the first year of the baby:

Breast feeding: Mother’s breast milk provides ideal nutrition for the baby and contributes to mental and physical development. It reduces the incidence and severity of infectious diseases and it protects the baby from certain types of allergies and food intolerances, always adapts to the baby’s needs and contributes to a close relationship between mother and baby.

It is recommended to start breastfeeding as soon as possible within the first hour after birth. At birth the baby is usually very awake, this situation favors the newborn to latch well which in turn stimulates the secretion of hormones involved in milk production and secretion. Using protein food feeding guidelines is not recommended. The baby should be breastfed frequently. Formula feeding a baby is a good alternative when breastfeeding is not possible.

Artificial breast feeding:

Baby milk (marked No. 1 on the packet) is suitable food for the first four to six months of life. Your baby’s assigned pediatrician will advise when to change the baby’s diet. If the baby is hungry, the milk bottle should be given every 3 to 4 hours every day and the amount will depend on his needs. Always consult your pediatrician before adding new foods to your baby’s diet. Complementary feeding should be started from 4 to 6 months of age.

List of solid foods for your baby:

Each new food addition must be done separately. A gap of several days should be kept before each food addition. A very small amount of new food should be introduced to the baby. The introduction pattern of each food is not specific but presents small variations depending on the experience of pediatricians and the rate of growth and development of the child.


Gluten free cereals can be introduced between 4 and 6 months. They are dissolved in breast milk or lukewarm water. Cereals with gluten such as oats, barley, rye and wheat should not  introduced to the baby before 6 to 7 months.


Fruits in the baby’s diet should include apples, bananas, oranges, pears and be given between four and six months. Fruits that may cause allergies such as strawberries and peaches should not be given before one year of age.


Potatoes, carrots, beans or pumpkin can be added to the baby food from six to seven months of age. A slash of olive oil should be added while making the puree. However, seasoning with salt is not recommended. Spinach, collard greens, cabbage and beets should not be introduced before Nine month.

Importance of Baby Food during the First Year


From 6-7 months chicken beef and lamb will be gradually incorporated into the vegetable puree. Pork and organ meats will be served later. Foods to avoid include wheat, gluten, nuts, peanuts, beets, liver, and unprocessed cheeses. From four to twelve months of age, breast milk or formula milk should be given three to four times a day. Cow’s milk is not recommended for babies under one year of age.

Babies at this age are ready to eat more solidly cut and whole crumbly foods. You can start with finely chopped meat or chicken. As with fruits and vegetables, we recommend introducing only one type of meat to detect any reactions in the baby’s body.

Foods to avoid at this stage are apple slices, grapes, very raisins, Cereal flakes, Sausages, Sugar Almond, butter, Popcorn, Nuts, Seeds, Gold candy, Raw vegetables that can get stuck in a baby’s throat. At this stage it is very important for the little one to explore its food. Allowing him to play with his food, dirtying his face and even soiling his body to let him know and accept the food. Mealtime is a moment of food enjoyment and preparation.

When a child has already passed his first birthday, his meal schedule and diet begin to resemble an adult’s as children of this age begin to eat three meals a day. From the first year on, trying new tastes and textures will further define the baby’s taste and he will begin to notice his preferences. So you can try making adapted versions of familiar dishes at this stage, such as delicious meatballs. A healthy diet of variety and balance will be defined for children from 12 to 24 months. Try to include different food groups every day. Such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk and  dairy products meat and healthy fats.

Foods to avoid for babies aged one year and above are salt, strong spices, and sweet products, caffeinated ,drinks coffee, tea or chocolate. From the age of two, children will begin to eat virtually the same things that the rest of the family eats, so it is important to monitor family nutrition and develop young children and at the same time taking care of the baby is very important.


The most important thing in feeding your baby is to provide him with the nutrients he needs at each stage of his growth to reach his full potential.


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