How to take care of baby’s umbilical cord, nails and hair?
After birth, the baby comes home from the hospital as a new guest in the family. The baby needs special care and the parents have to focus on the care of the baby to avoid health risks in the first stage of the baby.
How to care for the rest of the umbilical cord:
*At birth, the umbilical cord is cut a few centimeters away from the baby’s body. The remaining part of the cord should dry out within a few days and fall off spontaneously.
* The cord must be healed daily to facilitate shedding of the remaining cord and to avoid infection. Pediatricians recommend placing a drop of 70° alcohol on a sterile cloth to expose the umbilical cord. All you have to do is change the clothes whenever it gets damp. But it is important to wash your hands before the baby’s umbilical cord and take care not to wet the navel with the baby’s urine.
*If it smells bad and is red or swollen, the child should be taken to a pediatrician.
How to Sterilize Baby Products:
Sterilization is a process that completely destroys all living organisms present in the material. It is essential to sterilize all products used by babies during the first months of the baby’s life. Because their immune system is not yet complete. There are two ways to sterilize baby products:
- Body heat: Heat selectively sterilizes and eliminates water vapor. It is a quick procedure that lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. Can be done with microwave or electrical appliances dedicated for the purpose. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of burns.
- Chemical cooling: Products that cannot tolerate it must be chemically sterilized. There are some chemical tablets or liquid solutions that do not harm the baby’s health. They can be sterilized with water, baby pacifiers, bottles, toys, etc. In this method the time varies depending on the product which is half an hour to an hour. The advantages of this method are that it requires no electricity and remains sterile for up to 24 hours, But the disadvantage is that it is a slow motion system and it smells of chlorine.
Baby First Baths:
Newborn care pediatricians recommend that babies do not need to be bathed every day because their skin is so fragile that the bacteria that protect the baby’s skin can be damaged by using soapy water. However, if the baby is bathed daily, it is recommended that plain water be used and soap should be used every few days, but not every day. Baby soap or shampoo is best if it is neutral and lightly scented.

*Newborn bath time should be very short. Use water at a temperature comfortable for newborns and gently exfoliate with a soft cloth and thoroughly clean the baby’s genital area and genitals. It is best to bathe the baby at the same time every day. If it is before bed then it will give you a relaxing sleep.
*If the baby has dry or flaky skin, a few drops of almond oil or liquid vaseline can be added to the bath water or a moisturizer cream can be used after the bath, but it is better to avoid using such products if the skin of the first month baby is very dry.
*A newborn should never be left alone to avoid falling or drowning in water.
Take care of your baby Nails :
The best way to care for baby’s nails is to trim or clean them on time. Never wait long enough to cut nails. During this period, special care is taken that the child does not harm himself or his body. Scissors with rounded tips should be used to avoid injury.
Take care of your Baby Hairs:
Baby hair loss is common. It usually occurs during the first six months of a baby’s life. Washing baby’s hair daily is recommended to prevent cradle cap formation. A type of seborheic dermatitis in the form of yellow scales that affects the scalp of children and damages the scalp, although it is harmful to the child’s scalp. These scales can appear on the baby’s eyelids, around the baby’s nose and on the baby’s forehead also.
General Care of the New Born Baby’s:
- Crying is a child’s means of communication. Then you have to understand that the baby needs something. Possible causes of baby crying are hunger, sleep, gas, bed noise, etc.
- Hold the head while holding the newborn as he cannot balance his body yet.
- Change diapers frequently to prevent dermatitis in the diaper area.
- Babies will usually sleep 14 to 20 hours in the first week after birth. If sleep deprivation occurs, consult a pediatrician.
- Wear soft and cotton clothes to avoid allergies in the baby’s body.
- Even if the child has no problems, the child should be seen by a pediatrician after birth.
- If you have any pets in your home, they must be cleaned and vaccinated at all times. Make sure that pet does not come into contact with the newborn.
Safety in the Care for Baby:
*When transporting a child in a vehicle, it is mandatory to use an approved or suitable child safety seat. It comes in different sizes depending on the weight of the baby.
*The seat must be placed in the back seat and secured using a safety end cap and if possible have a family member sit.
*Never leave a child alone in a car.
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