Cause and Treatment

Dry lips in babies are common. Although a child’s body is 75% water, But he loses a lot of fluid every day through urination, defecation, sweating, crying, and breathing. Losing this fluid can lead to dehydration in the baby which usually leads to dry lips. Especially children have very delicate skin. So it is not surprising to see dry lips in babies especially when they are exposed to air and in low humidity areas.
Why does my baby have dry, cracked lips?
Since a child is solely dependent on his parents and caregivers from the moment of birth, they are responsible for all the care required for his physical and mental health. Since there is no instruction manual for the proper care of a baby’s skin, the most important foundation is to keep it moisturized to prevent the entry of allergens and pathogens.
An adult’s skin, unlike that of a newborn baby, has a tougher epidermal layer that encloses its cells and contains a large amount of lipids. These lipids make up the epidermal layer. Children, on the other hand, have less lipids in their epidermal layer, which makes their skin more resistant to external agents. In addition to the thinner epidermis on the lips of children, there are no sebaceous glands or sweat glands, which causes them to dehydrate quickly.
Also the epidermis has some natural hydration factors in the stratum corneum. For example urea amino acid lactic acid which captures moisture from the environment. But in children, natural hydration factors are found in very low amounts, resulting in easy dehydration.
Among the most common causes that attack babies lips are :
- External agents such as wind, sun, cold and overheated environment.
- Atopic children: Those with dryness present a dermatitis characterized by inflammation and sometimes itching. Related to hereditary causes, allergies or asthma.
- Allergens: For example, pacifiers or pacifiers can cause dry lips.
Tips to treat dry lips in Babies :
Treating dry lips in children is important because it is very annoying for little ones. This can have a negative impact on them. Today I am going to share with you some tips to improve the hydration of baby’s lips that will protect your baby from dry lips:
Use moisturizing cream:
To treat dry lips in children, apply a small amount to dry areas several times a day. The most recommended one you can use is a petroleum-based water-soluble moisturizer. This problem can be eliminated by applying moisturizer cream several times a day.

In addition to moisturizer, you should buy a natural lip balm for your baby. This lip balm will protect your newborn’s lips from the drying effects of the sun and cold. You can apply lip balm with a cotton ball to the dry areas of baby’s lips. Of course, it’s important to put sunscreen on your baby so that the sun’s rays don’t damage the skin on the lips. In this case the age of the child must be more than 6 months.
Breast Milk:
Breast milk is the most effective solution for treating dry lips in babies. To do this, the mother only needs to put a little milk on the baby’s lips after breastfeeding. This will keep the newborn’s lips moist and also prevent infection due to cracks or cuts.
Olive and coconut oil:
Besides breast milk, there is another product that you can use to treat dry lips in babies that is olive oil. Before putting your baby to bed, you can wet a cotton ball and apply a little olive oil on his lips. Olive oil will help keep your lips moisturized and healthy.
Coconut oil is another good remedy for dry lips in children. This type of oil contains lauric acid which prevents this problem. Just apply a little oil on the baby’s lips with your fingers. Do this several times a day to solve this problem.
The Use of Humidifier:
A humidity fire is a device that can increase the humidity level in a home. If you keep it in the baby’s room, it will remove the dry air from the room. Baby’s skin will become more hydrated and they will even be able to breathe fresher air which is good for their overall health.
Besides using memory fire you must always try to maintain a good temperature in the house. Especially in the room where children sleep or spend most of their time. The child should always be covered with suitable clothing and protected from the sun and wind at all times.
A Clean Cloth Soaked in Water:
Finally, the easiest option is to repeatedly wipe the baby’s chapped lips with a clean cloth soaked in water. You just need to pat it lightly with a damp cloth. Do not rub at any time. Remember that rubbing the affected area can cause further irritation or damage. This is a sensitive area.
Water has a neutral pH so it is not acidic or quite. It will prevent baby’s lips from getting wet with saliva and contains acidic digestive enzymes that will further irritate chapped lips. Therefore the cure will be worse than the disease.
In most cases, dry lips are a symptom of dehydration in children. It may also be due to exposure to climate change air and dry air or a tendency to breathe through the mouth. Whatever the reason, parents need to take measures to remedy it quickly as this is a problem that usually bothers children a lot.
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