The Importance of Hygiene in the Newborn  Baby :

The Importance of Hygiene in the Newborn Baby :

Child hygiene is very important and necessary. Because it helps the baby to feel cool and helps to develop. It is part of his daily routine and plays an important role in his health.

Child care is essential for good health. Every part of baby body needs care and hygiene which must be taken into more consideration in newborns.

Bathroom :

The baby should not be kept in the bath for long periods of time until about 48 hours after the baby’s umbilical cord has fallen. His navel area should be cleaned with a sponge soaked in warm water and the entire body should be cleaned with a soaked sponge too. You can also use many brand specific cleansing milks.

Here are the main guidelines for baby’s first bath :

Soap :

The use of soap is not essential for children. Although its use is recommended to ensure cleanliness of the baby. The best option is to use a baby or newborn specific soap or soap-free water to clean without damaging the baby’s healthy skin.

Water :

It should be about 37 degrees Celsius in the baby’s body temperature.

How to dry the baby:

After bathing, the newborn should be gently dried without rubbing or pressing. Thus irritation and infection are prevented. Newborns are usually born covered in a fatty layer that protects them. It usually has marks in the first few days so don’t try to remove them suddenly. And will be absorbed into her baby’s skin as the day changes.

Bathe at the same time every day:

Daily bathing for baby is very important for his hygiene. Try to bathe on time every day. It relaxes the little baby and the baby’s bond with you is getting stronger. You can take advantage of the bath to stimulate the newborn.

Child hygiene is very important and necessary. Because it helps the baby to feel cool and helps to develop. It is part of his daily routine and plays an important role in his health. Child care is essential for good health. Every part of baby body needs care and hygiene which must be taken into more consideration in newborns. Bathroom : The baby should not be kept in the bath for long periods of time until about 48 hours after the baby's umbilical cord has fallen. His navel area should be cleaned with a sponge soaked in warm water and the entire body should be cleaned with a soaked sponge too. You can also use many brand specific cleansing milks. Here are the main guidelines for baby's first bath : Soap : The use of soap is not essential for children. Although its use is recommended to ensure cleanliness of the baby. The best option is to use a baby or newborn specific soap or soap-free water to clean without damaging the baby's healthy skin. Water : It should be about 37 degrees Celsius in the baby's body temperature. How to dry the baby: After bathing, the newborn should be gently dried without rubbing or pressing. Thus irritation and infection are prevented. Newborns are usually born covered in a fatty layer that protects them. It usually has marks in the first few days so don't try to remove them suddenly. And will be absorbed into her baby's skin as the day changes. Bathe at the same time every day: Daily bathing for baby is very important for his hygiene. Try to bathe on time every day. It relaxes the little baby and the baby's bond with you is getting stronger. You can take advantage of the bath to stimulate the newborn.

Cleanliness of hair:

A mild shampoo should be used specifically for babies. Then comb the hair with a suitable soft bristle brush. Applying cologne to your newborn’s hair is not recommended as the strong smell may irritate him especially if it contains alcohol. Cologne can get on your clothes and have an effect.

If the baby has  in cradle cup, apply almond oil or any other specific for friend cap on the scalp for 10 minutes and wash off with shampoo. Then try to remove baby hair and flaking without tension and scalp irritation.

Baby skin :

It is good to use baby skin moisturizer after bathing. There are many newborns who have peeling skin. Especially on their ankles and wrists. A newborn may have a rash that is very thin and dry. Because  their skin does not yet have protective structures like adults.

Vegetable oils such as almond oil or calendula oil or baby-specific moisturizing creams , It is best to use hypoallergenic and preferably without parabens or perfumes. You can use the moment of hydration to give the baby a good massage. Baby massage strengthens the bond between parents and babies. Boosts immunity and relaxes the newborn. Care calms the baby while our closeness stimulates his senses, starting with touch. The baby sleeps more peacefully and eats better after the massage. Massage relieves the baby of gas and has a great time. It also helps the child develop intellectually.

The skin below should be kept clean and dry to avoid irritation of the newborn. Minimize the use of wipes and instead prefer using a sponge with warm water and a specific cleansing milk. Wet wipes can be annoying, but they’re a great option when you’re away from home.

In case of children, all body folds of children should be cleaned and dried thoroughly without rubbing. For girls it is important to always clean from front to back. Wash the area between the labia majora and minora well so that no fecal residue sticks to the vagina and without applying pressure.

Baby ears :

One is to use a cotton swab to clean children’s ears. Many ENT doctors are wary of the dangers of its use because of the potential for smallpox or infection. Therefore the outside of the ear should be kept clean and dry and not the inside because the wax it produces is already a natural protection.

Baby Nails :

If the newborn’s nails are long, they should be trimmed with special round tip scissors or filed with a soft file. Make sure that the nails are straight and do not injure the skin of the fingers.

Risk of Poor Hygiene in Newborns:

If the newborn is not cleaned properly, the health system can cause problems. Excessive cleanliness is as bad as its absence is harmful to children’s health. Long and dirty nose skin can cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes and not only cause wounds and discomfort but can also be an entry point for germs. Keeping the respiratory tract clear and slush-free promotes good suckling for good night’s rest and proper nighttime feeding.  The diaper area should be cleaned daily with soap and water to avoid skin infections or infections of the genitourinary system. Hygiene measures are essential to keep the navel clean. Umbilical cord infection  is a very important infection in newborns. which requires hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics to cure the disease.

What you should know about baby Hygiene :

  • The baby should not be fully immersed in the bath water until about 48 hours after the baby’s umbilical cord falls off.
  • Once the umbilical cord has fallen, you can give the baby its first bath, paying special attention to the temperature of the water, the soap used, and drying the baby.
  • Newborn hygiene must be done properly and enough time should be spent on taking care of every part of the baby’s body.
  • Follow the above hygiene rules while taking care of every part of the baby. Keep the baby calm and relaxed and strengthen your bond with the baby.

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